Profile number 102240

Moving company

05/02/2021 Date added

Located in


Also interesting for this region (s)

  • Drenthe
  • Friesland

General information


Service industry

Type of company


Legal entity


Type of transaction

Assets / liabilities

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

MBI candidate

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 0 - € 100.000

Asking price

€ 0 - € 100.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 0 - € 100.000

Company history/background

A moving company based in Groningen which operates on the territory of The Netherlands and abroad. The company activates under our management for 2 years now.

As students, we finished our studies this summer and we are looking to move forward. Now we came to a point where we have to decide how we proceed with our business and came to couple of scenarios with one being the sale of the company.


Company activities

We mostly focus on transportation services for students across the country, but we receive most of our revenue from other costumers that want more complex movings.

Unique selling points

Our strong point is our web platform and algorithm that we developed and that allows us to provide a dynamic pricing policy, monitoring of bookings, inventory, employees, schedule and costs / revenue that allows us to manage the company with reduced effort and costs.
The platform is customizable with low or no development skills in order to match any company strategy in the field. We can also offer assistance on integration and upgrading of this platform in the new company.


By analyzing the revenues and growth of the last 2 years, the company provides a turnover on average of €12.500,- per year, considering that we activated without paid advertisement during this period.


The asking price is € 30.000.

Moving company
Service industry
For sale
0 - 100.000
0 - 100.000