Business description
Small grocery business located on Saba. Opened for business in April 2001. We cater to the medical school community and also the local community.
Property information
Real Estate: Building for sale as well. Space where JR's is located is approximately 110 square meters. Building also includes a 1 bedroom apartment of 33 square meters. The building sits on 249 square meters of property. The appraised value and selling price is U.S. $ 266,000. Located on the main street in Windwardside, Saba, Netherlands Antilles.
Asking price: $88,000 (or approximately 57,000 euros) Years established: 7 years Employees: 2 full time and 1 delivery person.
Other information
Support & training: Owner would be willing to assist prospective buyer for one month. Reasons for selling: Owner plans to leave the island Trading hours: 8 am to 7 pm.
Inventory, contents and goodwill all included in asking price.