Profile number 108186

Hotel Gasthof B&B with a Maximum of 46 Beds in Salzburg

17/09/2024 Date added

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General information



Type of company


Legal entity

One - man business

Type of transaction

Assets / liabilities

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • MBI candidate
  • Strategic acquisition

Financial information

Turnover last financial year


Asking price

€ 500.000 - € 1.000.000

Earnings before taxes


Company history/background

This well-running, move-in-ready 3*** Hotel/Pension-Garni features 17 spacious rooms with bathrooms (max. 46 beds), a new breakfast room, bar and restaurant, staff room with bathroom, and a private apartment. Additionally, there is a large terrace and parking available. This beautiful and charming Hotel/Pension-Garni is sold including the complete inventory.

Special features:

  • Built in 1600
  • Living area of 1032 m2
  • Plot area of 1115 m2
  • 17 rooms
  • Staff rooms
  • Private apartment
  • Heating via central heating
  • Fully furnished

Company activities

The guesthouse has 17 hotel rooms spread over three floors with a maximum of 46 beds. The number of beds can be increased to 65 using extra beds, which is the maximum allowed according to the permit. Additionally, there is a terrace with 45 seats, a restaurant with 30 seats, and a breakfast room with 60 seats. This space is also used for groups who have booked half-board or for parties and events. Between these is the hotel bar, which also serves as the check-in and check-out area, as it is visible from the front door and centrally located in the hotel. The bar accommodates 12 to 15 people.

Of course, there is a spacious entrance on the ground floor and a separate toilet area for men and women. The fully equipped gourmet kitchen, storage room, and cooling facilities are also on this floor. The hotel rooms are divided into double and quadruple rooms. Many rooms have good sofa beds, allowing the number of people in the larger rooms to be increased.

Unique selling points

The Gasthof is located in the Austrian state of Salzburger Land. The village is situated at an altitude of 1,075 meters and has 3,590 inhabitants. The village offers various amenities such as a museum, outdoor swimming pool, several shops, supermarkets, a pharmacy, restaurants, and terraces.

Cycling is excellent in this area. There are 15 beautiful mountain bike routes totaling 560 km with challenging elevation changes. There are countless hiking routes and hut tours in the vicinity, ranging from family walks to mountain tours along sixty mountain lakes. All accompanied by the most sunshine hours in Austria in harmony with nature.

The ski bus stops right in front of the door, and even better, you can ski back to the Gasthof. A ski-in hotel. There are also kilometers of cross-country skiing routes around the Gasthof and four ski areas with the Gasthof located in the center of these areas. In the vicinity, you will find 250 km of the best-prepared ski slopes.

An existing customer base is already in place, providing a stable starting situation.

The Gasthof caters to a wide audience, including families, locals, and the business market.


Because the Gasthof has been active for years, it has built up a strong offline and online reputation that can be leveraged.

The Gasthof is situated in a beautiful location. As there is much to do in the area both in summer and winter, the area is very attractive to tourists.

The buyer can choose to fully utilize the Gasthof's potential. This means renting out hotel rooms, providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and serving the terrace in the summer. However, it is also possible to, for example, only operate the Gasthof as a B&B, so there is no gourmet kitchen but only breakfast and drinks.

The hotel is being offered for sale because it is difficult for the seller to combine it with his family in the Netherlands.

Hotel Gasthof B&B with a Maximum of 46 Beds in Salzburg
For sale
500.000 - 1.000.000
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