Profile number 106317
03/05/2024 Date added
Located in
Also interesting for this region (s)
Service industry
Type of company
Business services
Legal entity
Private limited company
Type of transaction
Assets / liabilities
Life phase enterprise
Employees in FTE
< 5
Type of buyer
Turnover last financial year
€ 250.000 - € 500.000
Asking price
€ 250.000 - € 500.000
Earnings before taxes
Wij werken nu ruim 25 jaar met deze unieke oplossing
Ambassades, Residenties, Kastelen, Landhuizen, Boerderijen, gewone woningen etc. ontdoen van schimmele en vocht zonder hak- en breekwerk.
Unieke oplossing en betaalbaar
Technisch inzicht hebben