Profile number 104252

Patent energy generating system

23/11/2022 Date added

Located in

The Netherlands

General information



Type of company

Mechanical engineering

Legal entity


Type of transaction

To be determined

Life phase enterprise


Employees in FTE

< 5

Type of buyer

  • Strategic acquisition
  • Investor

Financial information

Turnover last financial year

€ 0 - € 100.000

Asking price

€ 0 - € 100.000

Earnings before taxes

€ 0 - € 100.000

Company history/background

On behalf of our client, we would like to draw your attention to this patented

invention of a new energy generating system.

The new system is based on an airflow-driven turbine along with a compressor with a high-pressure air tank connected to a large air tank. Furthermore, the system is equipped with a computer that monitors the airflow via sensors, in combination with the necessary digital valves. This allows the fan to generate enough power to drive a mounted electric turbine.

The patent was granted under number: NL 2026297 and continues in the PCT route number: PCT/NL2021/050513.

Company activities

Advantages of this system:

  • The system uses only normal air and requires no further fuel or electricity except a very small battery to boot and power the computer.
  • Because only normal air is used, the fan will not suffer from large temperature differences.  .
  • Cost of this system related to material and manufacture will be very acceptable because this system is made of simple and inexpensive components.
  • Durable and environmentally friendly.
  • Easy to maintain.

Possible applications of this system.

  • Replacement of traditional power reprocessing motors.
  • Applicable in small and large-scale projects, including industry, airports and isolated international communities.
  • Very interesting is the possible application in the automotive industry, off-shore projects and agrisache and livestock companies.

Our client worked out detailed DWG drawings, simulations and also the individual parts in 3D digital bodies (Solids) with mechanical 3D software from Autodesk Inventor.

He wants to sell the patent and the rights at a fair price and royalties.

He is also open to a collaboration with an investor.

Patent energy generating system
The Netherlands
For sale
0 - 100.000
0 - 100.000